Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What's blowing around Katabatic this week?

Happenings this Week:

Tuesday: "Beer for a Cause"- $1 off each pint from 4-8 goes to the Payden Foundation to help kids fight cancer. http://payden.org

WednesdayLive Music - Danny Bee, he plays with Big Ol', but tonight he'll be playing solo on his trusty electric guitar.

Thursday: Graffle - Don't know what a "graffle" is? Come have a pint or two, on your 2nd and 3rd pints, turn in your drink tickets with your name and phone number and get entered to win a free growler and growler fill.

Head Brewer Jason dry hopping "Base Hit"

Friday: Nitro Friday!!!! This weeks Nitro suds selection is Katabatic APA on Nitro. If you haven't checked out what nitro is about, give it a try, it won't bite.

Saturday: Live Music - Tammy Hauer - Bozeman local, with a great song repertoire and great voice.

Sunday: Family day - Bring the whole fam-damnly, grab a pint, or root beer, sit down and beat the pants off your 6 year old at Battleship. Or let them win, we won't judge, we also have a ton of board games including cribbage, checkers, chutes and ladders, Livingstonopoly, Bananagrams and a bunch more.

Spent Grain from our "Base Hit" Session Pale Ale
For ROTATORS on tap we currently have Anabatic Amber Ale. A well balanced, slightly-malty initial taste that is balanced with hops and plenty of caramel notes. It finishes with a floral and tropical fruity aroma that is refreshing for this style of beer. Named after those warm afternoon upslope breezes that you experience on the perfect summer day in the mountains or on the river.
Cliff cleaning the kegs

Next up: "Base Hit" Session Pale Ale. A low-alcohol, easy drinking pale ale that is "sessionable". By sessionable we mean you can drink a few in a session without feeling too weighted down or too tipsy. Think lawn mowing beer that has a medium-bodied, "real" beer taste, not yellow fizzy stuff that tastes like carbonated dog pee. Can we say dog pee on the blog? I guess we just did.

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