Sunday, February 23, 2014

Getting Out!

At KATABATIC brewing company, we work hard, damn we work hard. We also like to play just as hard. The other thing that happens when we get to play after having a really long hard week of work, is that we like to get after it! What good is work if you can't go have some fun as a reward? Am I right?

The above video is my skiing and climbing comrad Chris Bangs at 18" of light dry cold smoke in his face about every other turn.

Cheers to getting out and having fun, whether it's ice fishing, ice climbing, skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, ice kiting, kite boarding, kite skiing, basejumping, basejump skiing or flying in a flying Squirrel suit!

We would like to raise a glass to you, however you get out and celebrate what this state has to offer in winter, Prost!

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